Wednesday, August 22, 2007

8-25-07 Week 26

Hello!! A quick update on Little Miss Kennedy, my diabetes screening came back just fine! I got my first belly measurement, which came back right on track! Everything seems to be cruising right along! I'm really starting to figure out Kennedy's schedule. Seems she likes to wake and play late night, and in the early morning hours. This pattern has just started making sleeping a bit more of a challenge. Now, I don't only wake to pee every hour, I also wake to little arms and legs kicking and punching me! Kennedy and her daddy have already created their own little game. If she is still daddy plays the drums on my belly and Kennedy responds with a side kick or right hook, this always makes daddy laugh!!

Well, now that we are in our 3rd and last trimester, we start visiting the doc every two weeks vs. once a month. So good news for all of you who want more updates.... they are on there way.


The Armstrong's said...

AWWWWW, how sweet! Your pregnancy is going by so fast...for me. Its been fun watching your belly grow!

Mary said...

where is our belly pic this time?

Jennifer McHam said...

Congratulations guys!!! We are so excited for you! We just found your blog site on the Marietta's page & we are so excited!!!!!!!! Thanks for the updates and congratulations again!!!
Mark & Jen McHam