Thursday, October 16, 2008

Elliott Update!!!!!

We're still alive;) We are all doing great! Kennedy is sooooo flippin' cute. She keeps us busy, and smiling everyday! She's starting to build a vocabulary, which consist of mainly one word....DADA! She is the biggest DADDY'S GIRL ever!! She has her own version of "tickle, tickle, tickle" ,it sounds something like dickle, dickle, dickle. It is one of the cutest things I have ever heard. She has mastered crawling, and is on her way to walking. All her toys are now walkers, and she moves from one piece of furniture to the next w/o hesitation. She even lets go and will take a few steps all by her self(she thinks this is super funny). Its all going so freakin' fast. It feels like just yesterday she was learning how to sit on her own, and now she's walking!!! When she's not trying to walk she is eating, and man can she eat! Breakfast is by far her biggest meal. A typical breakfast starts sometime between 7 or 7:30 and consist of 1 whole egg(scrambled), 1 whole waffle, 1/2 of banana(sometimes a whole banana), 3-4oz of apple juice, and she likes to end with a 1/2 cup of cheerios. Breakfast usually takes 30-45 minutes, and then its time to start our day:) She is quite the character!! Speaking of characters, check out our little Dumbo.....

This is what Kennedy picked for her first Halloween costume!!

Is she not the cutest elephant you have ever seen?

Below are a few more Fall pictures....

About a month ago she had her 9 month doctors appointment. Doc said she looks great and is a super healthy, happy, growing baby! She fell in the 92% in head(18cm),50% in height(27.5in),and <3% in weight(14lb 14oz). Little K took her shots like a champ, and got to pick not just one, but two rubber duckies for being so brave;) Mark and I were very proud!!

P.S. I promise you all will hear from us before another 3 months goes by;)