Monday, March 24, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wow!! Kennedy is 14 Weeks Old!

My Oh My where has the time gone? Our little angel is growing so darn fast! Sorry about slackin on the updates. Mark and I were sure things were gonna slow down once Kennedy joined our family, however it's the opposite. We find ourselves busier now than ever before. What the heck were we thinking, and what are we gonna do w hen she starts adding to the list of things to do!

Kennedy updates: 97% height, 91% head, and 25% weight.....yep, still tall and thin like her daddy;) She has mastered rolling over. We put her down on her back, and with in seconds she's on her belly! It doesn't take long before she's frustrated cause she can't get back to her back. We're hoping she figures this out soon, that way were not having to listen to her high pitched scream while she struggles to roll back. She is such a cutie pie:) We have also mastered sleeping though the night(for the most part). Bedtime is between 8:30/9 and we wake sometime between 6:30/7! All of us(even Jazzy girl)are super excited we are getting a good nights rest! Jazzy used to wake when Kennedy would, wait to make sure one of us was up, then take off to the bath tub where she would spend the rest of the night in peace(crazy dog)!
Kennedy has brought so much joy to our lives! She smiles, laughs, and has just recently started talking. Everyday is something new and everyday is truly a blessing!